Welcome to the Land and Housing section of SELC’s e-Resource Libraries! Here is a summary of what you’ll find in this section of the library:
Pages Focusing on Housing
The Vision, Goals, and Legal Framework for Economically Sustainable Housing page contains background information on the way the property legal system works, an exploration of the common goals we have in regard to housing, and an overview of sharing space, financing, and management of housing.
The Legal Structure Models for Economically Sustainable Housing page explores common legal configurations for arranging housing, including leasing models, direct ownership, ownership by an entity, and a combination of entity ownership and direct ownership.
The Legal, Financial, and Tax Considerations Affecting Structure page describes some common considerations, including taxes, unenforceable restrictions on property, and structuring an entity.
The Zoning and Housing page examines some of the common restrictions placed on housing by local zoning authorities and how to zone for sharing.
The Landlord/Tenant Laws page contemplates how restrictions on the landlord/tenant relationship impact shared housing situations. These restrictions include rent control, just cause eviction, the rights of tenants in a condo conversion, and the warranty of habitability.
The Inclusionary Housing Laws page is a short description of how these laws can impact cohousing and shared housing communities.
The Boarding Houses, Hostels, and Short-Term Rentals page describes some of the restrictions that are placed on temporary housing.
The Subdivision Laws page describes restrictions placed on subdivision of land and community associations.
The Fair Housing Laws page briefly explains the requirements under Fair Housing Act.
Pages Focusing Other Uses of Land
Other Subjects Related to Land and Housing
The Financing page explores alternative financing mechanisms, as well as constraints imposed by conventional financing.
The Property Taxes page describes a series of property tax exemptions, including for affordable housing and land conservation.
The Building Codes and Green Building page briefly explains some of the barriers presented by building codes to communities and people who wish to develop and implement green building practices and ecologically friendly ways of life.
The In Depth Profiles of Communities currently only has a link to one profile. If you would like to help us populate this page, please contact janelle [at] theselc.org.
The following pages are currently under construction, and we could use your help to populate them. If you want to help create a page, contact janelle [at] theselc.org.